Peer Reviewed Journals
The Role of Reflexes in the Development of the Visual System
The Journal of Behavioural Optometry Vol. 6/1995/No 2
Screening for Neurological Dysfunction in the Specific Learning Difficulty Child
(Goddard SA and Hyland D). The British Journal of Occupational Therapy.61/10. 1998.
Neurological Dysfunction in Children with Specific Learning Difficulties
Irish Learning Support Association Journal.
Early Learning in the Balance - Priming the first ABC
The British Journal of Learning Support. November 2000
Neurological Dysfunction as a Significant Factor in Children Diagnosed with Dyslexia
Proceedings of The 5th International British Dyslexia Conference, University of York, April 2001. (Available on CD Rom from the BDA)
Releasing educational potential through movement
Child Care in Practice.11/4:415.432. 2005
Neuromotor maturity as an indicator of developmental readiness for education. Report on the use of a Neuro-Motor Test Battery and Developmental Movement Programme in schools in Northumberland and Berkshire. 2011. IN: Movement, Vision, Hearing – The Basis of Learning. Ewa Maria Kulesza (Ed). Wydawninctwo Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej im> Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Warszawa.
Viewpoint: Correcting Clinical Facts-Abnormal Primitive Reflexes in Behavioural Optometry and Vision Therapy. Journal of Behavioral Optometry. January 2012.
Children’s developmental needs should lead policy. Early Years Education (EYE). 20/3:22-24. July 2018.
Attention balance and coordination – the A,B,C of learning success. Wiley-Blackwell. Chichester. 2009. 2nd edition 2017.
Leaps towards learning. Early Years Education (EYE) magazine. 21/6:18-20. October 2019.
School functioning of students with neuromotor immaturity.
Zielińska M & Goddard Blythe SA. 2018. International Journal of Pedagogy Innovation and New Technologies journal homepage: Vol. 7, No. 2, 2020, pp. 40-46 International Journal of Pedagogy Innovation and New Technologies. journal homepage: http://www.ijpint.com ISSN: 2392-0092,
The Body Learns Too: How the Brain–Body
Relationship Helps to Lay Down Highways of the Mind. Self and Society. 48/2. Autumn 2020.
Assessing neuromotor readiness for learning
Goddard Blythe SA & Lunina N. Modern methods of prevention and correction of developmental disorders for children: Tradition and innovation: Sat. materials of the II International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference, October 22-23, 2020. eds. O. N. Usanova. - M .: Kogito-Center - Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis, 2020 .-- pp. 11-23
ISBN 978-5-89353-607-2
Neuromotor readiness for school: the primitive reflex status of young children at the start and end of their first year at school in the United Kingdom. 2021.
Goddard Blythe SA, Duncombe R, Preedy P & Gorely T.
Education 3-13/ International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education
The Correlation between Residual Primitive Reflexes and Clock Reading Difficulties in School-Aged Children—A Pilot Study. Kalemba A, Lorent M, Goddard Blythe SA and Gieysztor, E. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023, 20, 2322. https://doi.org/10.3390/ ijerph2003232
Are Immature Neuromotor Skills Significant Factors in Educational Under-achievement and Special Educational Needs? Literature review of the role of Primitive Reflexes as Indicators and Measures of Neuromotor Immaturity. Goddard Blythe, Sally. Institute for Neuro-Physiological Psychology, Wielka Brytania. Szkoła Specjalna. 2023-04-30